The sewer is closed, which means it’s time to catch up on sleep, finally take that shower, see our families again, and ease back into society. Riiiight after this dash down memory lane.
We spent a lot of time in the sewer
25,525 pass holders clocked a cumulative total of 7,487,850 runs and 706,436 hours (according to dookeydashboard created by @m1kr_eth). That’s 80 years of time well spent, and an average of 27.7 hours per player.
8,094 of you powersharted.
A total of 8,094 pass holders used Powershart Packs to boost their runs, about a third of active players. That added up to 424,566 $APE.
Some fared better than others
The longest run lasted for 10.88 minutes.
The shortest, an impressive .099 seconds.
Here’s how the score percentiles broke down
Remember, scores are still unofficial and pending our final review, but what is official is that you’re all amazing and just the right amount of weird.
The top scorers and the winner of the butthole key will be announced soon, but in the meantime, here are the score percentiles:
Top 1%:
665,169 Points
Top 5%:
511,485 Points
Top 10%:
413,871 Points
Top 20%:
316,082 Points
Top 25%:
278,405 Points
Top 50%:
142,744 Points
The sewer brought families closer together

And tore them apart

Some tried to cheat their way to the butthole key
Cheaters tried their best, but Gary was watching. Our goal with Dookey Dash was and continues to be to make this skill-based mint as exciting, fun, and fair as possible. We used various validation methods to review final scores, and so far a very small number of runs were found to have cheated.
In the final hours of Dookey Dash closing, we noticed some hackers trying to make a big deal about very commonly known client-side and AI/Bot game hacks to create some FUD. We want you to know that yes, we've read all of those reports, and yes, we have a few tricks up our sleeves for catching these types of bad actors who are in violation of our terms of service. The scores associated with such violations will be removed from the leaderboard. We’re continuing to review scores, and will update you when there’s more to share.
Plus, we got this sweet compilation of cheater bloopers out of it. It’s a win-win (well, a win-win for all of us, not the cheaters).

The dev team’s favorite, X marks the spot!
What’s next? Lick the toad, of course
Coming soon, a limited-time event is coming to Dookey Dash, giving you a chance to join Gary in the sewer to catch toads and unlock a companion trait. 500 of these traits will go to the top 500 scores in the event (based on length of run, fragments collected, and objects bonked). Another 2,000 of the traits will go to the 2,000 top toad catchers (based on the most toads caught in a single run). More on this soon — we’ll give you a heads up on when this event will start and end.
Don’t worry, we got you.
Zero scorers, the toad is your last chance
Remember, only Sewer Passes with a valid score greater than zero can participate in the summoning and transform their Sewer Passes. If you missed your chance with the OG Dookey Dash and either failed to play and register a score or picked up a pass with a zero/wiped score, you have another shot during the toad event. If you use a Sewer Pass with a zero score to play, you’ll be eligible for the summoning, albeit ONLY for the power sources left over after those with valid OG Dookey Dash scores have claimed first.
The real butthole key were the friends we made along the way
Our pack of weirdos has gotten bigger and weirder. During Dookey Dash, our BAYC ecosystem grew by 40%. Love to see it.
Alright, get outta here, you.